Štravs Inn
Malice in kosila, Slovenska, Kavarna, pijača, Razno
Podturn 28, 8350 Dolenjske Toplice
Štravs Inn (Gostilna in prenočišča Štravs) is located along the Soteska-Semič regional road at Podturn pri Dolenjskih Toplicah 28. They serve you selected food to order or traditional farm food. The house specialty is perfectly prepared fresh freshwater fish, home-made farm meat delicacies and various wild game dishes. For larger social meetings of closed groups, they have rooms equipped in hunting and fishing style with 20 seats each. There are 80 seats in the dining room, and 20 in the refreshment room. The inn also offers accommodation with two or three-bed rooms (8 beds).